Helping college fit into the bigger picture.
Saving for college should be part of a family's overall financial plan. Many investors rely on financial professionals to provide expertise and guidance when making these important decisions. IDeal offers your clients:
- tax-deferred earnings1
- tax-free withdrawals for qualified expenses1
- up to a $6,000 state income tax deduction ($12,000 for married, filing jointly) for Idaho residents
- the flexibility to contribute $19,000 (single)/$38,000 (married, filing jointly) in a single year without incurring a gift tax
- estate planning benefits by making up to five years' worth of gifts ($95,000 if single/$190,000 if married, filing jointly) to an IDeal account in one year without incurring gift taxes3
- a 20% employer tax credit (up to $500 per employee, per year) for contributions made to an employee’s IDeal account.4
- a broad range of investment options, from conservative to aggressive, all managed by The Vanguard Group, one of the nation's leading investment managers
Helping your clients invest in their greatest asset.
Idaho’s 529 Plan helps your clients save on their taxes while saving for their children’s college education. Download IDeal’s tax deduction checklist to help your clients take advantage of IDeal’s tax benefits.
Financial Advisors: 529 Quickview lets you manage all your clients’ IDeal transactions in one place.
With 529 Quickview, you get real-time, password-protected access to your clients’ IDeal accounts, where you can quickly:
- search, sort and download client data
- set up recurring contributions
- make investment changes
- request distributions and more, all online
(Note: 529 Quickview only provides access to client accounts; your clients retain ownership.)
Overview of this one-stop account access tool

Idaho’s 529 Plan helps your clients save on their taxes while saving for their children’s college education.
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